Thursday 22 May 2008

Halo 3 Tips & Tricks

With the launch of Halo 3, Bungie has now completed the Epic Halo Trilogy. Halo 3 concludes the story of Master Chief and his alien sidekick Curtana. Bungie has certainly raised the ante when he made the final instalment. Many of the components of Halo 3 is familiar to the former player, despite some new weapons and take some land used to obtain. In Halo 3, the normal levels are easier than in Halo 2. This is due to Bungie's effort to reach an audience of casual players. Consequently, we suggest that if you've played Halo in the past (even at a normal level) attempts to challenge themselves and play Legendary or heroic.

Check out new challenges in the world of Halo 3. If you are new to the game or simply did not play in a little 'time, you are prompted to start their experience of dying frequently. To help you along, here are tips on how to survive Halo 3:

Master gadgets - With any game, you should know how to handle their weapons. Master is so you can whip in a blink of an eye. It 'also important to know what you should use the weapons to a particular opponent. Halo 3 is a very useful feature - dual-wielding ability that allows you to deal with two weapons at a time. Commander of this function and to use it wisely.

Knowing your enemies - As you may know his arms even know their enemies. Some of them are easier to destroy than others. Some panic under pressure and not the other when you destroy the Brute leader. Another important tip when you kill an opponent is the target for their leader. Reaching the head vai require fewer strokes on your part to take them down compared with the body blows.

Thoroughly familiar with their surroundings - from learning the details of their environment. Discover where you can hide to protect it against enemy attack and try to look around to find bonus items that can be used. Also, beware of the skulls. The heads are important because multiply its points, but also have effects ranging from useful, or sometimes a silly under appalling. Do not hesitate to take a skull, multiply the points, so attentive to its effects.